From the President of RRROCA

Hello Rocky Ridge and Royal Oak, I am fortunate to have recently taken over the role as President from such a strong predecessor, Ward Sutherland. He has, and continues to do so much for our community and along the way, truly inspired me to become more involved and...

From the President of RRROCA

I really did not anticipate I would be writing this last message. It is with mixed emotions that I am resigning as president of the Rocky Ridge Royal Oak Community Association. It’s was a very difficult decision to make; we have such a great team on the board....

From the President of RRROCA

This past year has been incredibly full of significant issues for our community. The Kaiser Oil Well, traffic, middle school, skating rink and limited events for our families. I am personally inspired by some of our residents that have demonstrated the commitment and...

From the President of RRROCA

Last month, we completed our first quarter of the year.  This is the time to review our goals and track our area of opportunities and successes.  RRROCA membership is up 40%, representing 8% of the community.  A fantastic percentage increase and the board has now...

From the President of RRROCA

Well, if you have lived in Calgary for a few years, you can relate when spring,winter,fall and summer is in the “Air” all the same day.  Spring is the time, the snows hopefully melts and new life begins in various ways with nature.  People come out from their homes,...

From the President of RRROCA

I am hoping the time you read this article, our new RRROCA website is operating.  Please take the time to check it out.  It’s live, interactive and really is the “ Hub of Information” for the community.  The new directory is set up similar to a shopping mall...