From the President of RRROCA

The New Year is underway for the RRROCA board and volunteers.  As mentioned, our goal is to be the “Hub of Information” for our community.  Hazim is working hard on our new website and Jonathon has made improvements to Facebook and created some great posters.  Tweeter...

Stripping and Grading Appeal Rocky Lake P4

Final appeal was completed November 15th, 2012 with agreement of a new submitted tree protection maps/plan.  RRROCA is satisfied with the new maps which expand the previous vegetation requirements.  Additionally, condition #20 was removed and replaced with no...

Kaiser Oil Well Update- 2013

We are currently reviewing a second alternative location (further away than the first alternative location) that is suitable for Kaiser, Energy Department (Urban Drilling Policy), City of Calgary and the residents of RRRO.   We are encouraged that a solution will be...