Ward-SutherlandThis past year has been incredibly full of significant issues for our community. The Kaiser Oil Well, traffic, middle school, skating rink and limited events for our families. I am personally inspired by some of our residents that have demonstrated the commitment and passion to achieve what at times seems impossible. This recent “win” of getting our middle school approved is an example of these “special people” along with the families and friends supporting the ultimate goal. These issues at time get media attention and some others perceive this to be negative. I see these events as a “ test” of our sense of community, our commitment of what is right or wrong and the passion to pursue the completion no matter what. As a community, we can also take this same “spirit” and move forward to more positive “causes”, such as the recent fundraising for “Emma” purple team for Lupus. We are getting more RRROCA members and with the additional funds many new events are going to happen this summer for all different ages. We are getting more innovative with all events going “Green”.

To me, Family and Community are tied closely together. The more our families come out and have fun at events, join causes together, the closer our community becomes. I like knowing my neighbours and all the kids on the block. I like that I can stop while walking my dog and talk to strangers on our pathways and they are friendly. This is who we are, this is our community.

As always, if you recognize any of the board members, please stop us and say hi.

Ward Sutherland
President, ROCA