
Well, if you have lived in Calgary for a few years, you can relate when spring,winter,fall and summer is in the “Air” all the same day.  Spring is the time, the snows hopefully melts and new life begins in various ways with nature.  People come out from their homes, out into the yards and see the neighbours again.  Our pathways in the community start getting more traffic and the wetlands come to life with wildlife and foliage.  Our lives are busy with work,kids,sports,volunteering, etc. and we often get caught up in the hectic pace without realizing what is right in front of us.  Our great community, our wetlands, the mountain views, our walking/biking/running pathways and our great neighbours.  Many residents ask how can we help make a stronger community? Here are few suggestions:  Make it point to know your neighbour (creates safety and new friendships), say hello when you are on the pathways and passing another person (wear you special Monday night color) and introduce yourself.  Come out to community events.  Do at least one action of kindness per week when your in your community.  Speaking of spring and new life, please take the time to visit our new website.  It has all different information on schools, groups, recent news, businesses, wildlife, safety, events just to name a few.  We want to promote “Shop local, Support Local and save your footprint”.  The business directory is set up similar to a mall directory of all the business in our area.  Try this out before using Google to find your needs.
As always, check out the meet the board on our website and if you recognize anyone when you are out and about…please say hi!
Ward Sutherland