Ward-SutherlandWard Sutherland has just announced that he is stepping down from his role as President of the Community Association in order to run for Councillor of Ward One.
The Board of Directors are sorry to see him go as Ward was such a valuable contributing member to not only every aspect of the Board, but also his daily involvement in our community.
Ward’s consistent efforts over the past years are hard to quantify but under his role as Vice President on the Board as well as his past year as President, our Community has truly achieved so many meaningful accomplishments.
Under Ward’s leadership as President, the community memberships have grown by over 100%. He spearheaded the campaign to stop the Kaiser oil well that was destined for our back yard. Ward has agreed to continue his efforts to work with our local MLA and the Alberta Energy Minister to create an urban drilling policy to protect our community as well as others in Alberta.
Ward played a key role in obtaining the desperately needed middle school as well as launching the community pace car program that will serve as a pilot for many other communities and is currently launching this summer.
“He will truly be missed,” said Jeff Walker, VP. “Ward has a passion for family and community and has spent many years volunteering to ensure he did all he could for the 19,000 residents in the area he calls home. He will be a difficult person to replace but we wish him all the best. If Ward shows the same dedication and devotion as Councillor as he did as President, Ward One could all benefit from his tireless efforts.”
Due to the recent tragic events and flooding in our city, Ward kindly agreed to stay on as President over this last week ensuring that he and his family were there for those in need. He has been a key part of our community drive to help the many families that were affected by the disaster.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of RRROCA, we wish you all the best Ward.