Past RRROCA Events
Stampede Breakfast
Stampede breakfast is around the corner! Join us July 14 from 9am-11am!
8th Annual Community Parade of Garage Sales
To participate in this popular community event, choose to host your garage sales on any or all of the following dates:
Dates: June 23,24 & 25
Family Day
May 27th 12-3pm
“It was a huge turnout at the 17th annual Family Fun Event organized by Royal Oak Victory Church in collaboration with Rocky Ridge Royal Oak Community Association. Huge thanks to all the dedicated volunteers who worked very hard to make this event a great success 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Lots of games were organized for different age groups of children to engage them in fun activities and a big number of prizes and gift cards were handed over to the winner.” Shahnaz Munir
5th Annual Community Parade of Garage Sales
To participate in this popular community event, choose to host your garage sales on any or all of the following dates:
Friday May 24th: 3pm to 8 pm
Saturday May 25th: 10 am to 5 pm
Sunday May 26th: 10 am to 5 pm
The registration deadline is: May 20th, 2019 at 9:00 pm.
This vibrant community building event is sponsored by Zeena Taghvai Real Estate Agent of RE/MAX Real Estate Mountain View! She is providing garage sale kits to registrants, setting up directional signs, and advertising the event in Calgary Herald! The event promotion will bring more traffics/people/shoppers to the neighborhoods, so participants will have much success in selling their items!
Registrants can pick up Garage Sale signs between 4:30 – 6:00 pm on Wednesday May 22nd at William D. Pratt school located at 9850 Royal Oak Way NW (Front parking lot).
Questions? Please contact: events@rrroca.org
Download Garage Sale Map HERE
Download Garage Sale Locations HERE
Neighbour Day
June 15th 2019
Neighbour Day is an opportunity to get together with your neighbours and celebrate Calgary’s strong community spirit. This year Neighbour Day falls on Saturday, June 15.
The City is once again waiving its greenspace booking fees for approved Neighbour Day events taking place on June 15. As of January 1, 2019 The City has waived fees for block party permits. Please note that the deadline to apply for these permits is May 24, 2019.
Visit calgary.ca/NeighbourDay for more information.
All-Candidates Forum
April 4th 2019
Don’t miss the local All-Candidates Forum on Thursday, April 4th at 7:30pm at the Tuscany Club (212 Tuscany Way NW). The Forum features the candidates running to be our next MLA.
Our local constituency includes Royal Oak, Rocky Ridge, Tuscany and Scenic Acres.
See you there!
Download the Agenda
Download the Rules for Engagement
Download More Information
Family Movie Day!
Friday, December 14, 2018 at 3 pm
Presenting: Matilda, a classic for all ages!
RRROCA is hosting a Movie Day at the Royal Oak Victory Church, 450 Royal Oak Dr NW, Calgary, AB T3G 5J7. Admission is FREE for up to 350 people of all ages and the schedule is as follows:
Doors Open: 2:30 pm
Movie Starts: 3:00 pm
Movie Ends: 5:00 pm (ish)
We need some volunteers to help with the following jobs:
- Deliver and share water, juice boxes & popcorn
- Welcome and guide visitors before and after movie
- Cleaning up the room after the show
If you can help, please email us to let us know your availability.
A big THANK YOU to all staff at ROVC for hosting this event!
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
You are invited to attend our AGM on the 26th of November.
DATE: Monday November 26, 2018
TIME: 6:30pm
LOCATION: Royal Vista Multi-Use Facility
Come and share your thoughts on matters that affect your community. Together we have accomplished much this year; we would like to share these accomplishments with you. We will also vote to elect our 2019 Board of Directors.
If you would like to attend, kindly RSVP to secretary@rrroca.org
Saturday, July 7 2018
Yahoo! – 10th Annual Community Stampede Breakfast
Over 4000 guests expected!
Bring in your family to RRROCA’s 2018 Signature Event!
Date: Saturday July 7th, 2018
Time: 8 am – 11 am
Where: The parking lot of the North West Family Church – 10307 Eamon Rd NW – by the Tuscany C-Train station
Hosted by: RRROCA (Rocky Ridge Royal Oak Community Association) and NWFC (North West Family Church)
Entertainment by: Jack Jackson Band
There will be loads of fun for the whole family. Enjoy a serving of pancakes or sausages and listen to the live western music, maybe try a few dancing steps. Take a shot at the family photo booth. Kids can have fun at the Kiddie Coral, can get a ride on the bouncy castles, or engage the mascots, or participate in the clown balloon contest.
We’ll use compostable food ware to make the event 100% green. Wear your best western gear and join us! Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 7th, 2018 between 8 am to 11 am.
Saturday, June 16 2018
Neighbour Day
Neighbour Day Grant Application
The Rocky Ridge Royal Oak Community Association (RRROCA) wishes to invite our residents to take part in fun events, activities and group gatherings with their neighbours, on this year‘s fourth annual City of Calgary Neighbour Day celebration coming up on June 16, 2018.
RRROCA members can apply for Neighbour day Grant 2018 today at Member portal and you will be entered to win 1 of 5 grants ($100) to hold a block party on Neighbour Day June 16 (Saturday).
The closing date for application is Sunday, May 27 at 11:59 p.m. A draw will be held on Monday, May 28 at the RRROCA board meeting.
Questions? Please email safety@rrroca.org
June 13-27, 2018
City of Calgary Mobile Skate Park at RRROCA Park
Watch for the mobile skate park to be set up in the rink at RRROCA Park. See the website below for rules, please note this is the 2017 website, as the city has not offered a 2018 update.
Fri 25 May, Sat 26, Sun 27 2018
RRROCA 4th Annual Community Parade of Garage Sales
Garage Sale Hours:
– 3pm to 8 pm on Friday
– 10am to 5pm on Saturday & Sunday
Please register on line HERE – Registration ends on May 21st at 9:00 pm!
Steps to Register ONLINE
You must be a RRROCA member to participate. If you are not a RRROCA member please sign up as a NEW member.
Step 1. Log in to member portal – https://admin.sportzsoft.com/apps/regWeb.dll/Login?OrgId=1901
Step 2. Choose “New registration”, select an adult who will host the garage sale, click “Next”
Step 3. From the drop down menu, choose “RRROCA Parade of Garage Sales 2018”, click “Next”
Please note: registrants can pick up Garage Sale signs between 4:30 – 6:00 pm on Wednesday May the 23rd at William D. Pratt school located at 9850 Royal Oak Way NW (Front parking lot).
Come and find trinkets and treasure without leaving the neighborhood!
This vibrant community building event is sponsored by Zeena Taghvai Real Estate Agent of RE/MAX Real Estate Mountain View!
She is providing garage sale sings to registrants, she will also have garage sales sings posted in certain spots in both neighborhoods marked with a special directional signs.
Zeena will also have 5 large bold signs placed in different areas surrounding Rocky Ridge/Royal Oak to draw public attention to the event, in order to bring more traffics/people/shoppers to the neighborhoods during the event, as a result participants will have much success in selling their items. Zeena will also place an ad in Calgary Herald about the event a day prior to the event as well as for the duration of it. We hope to you see you out shopping in both neighborhoods.
Questions? Please contact us at events@rrroca.org
Saturday, May 26 2018
Royal Oak Victory Church Family Fun Day
Saturday, March 31st 2018
Community Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday July 8th 2017
9th Annual Community Stampede Breakfast
hosted by RRROCA and NWFC
Time: 8am – 11am
Where: North West Family Church (10307 Eamon Rd NW)
RRROCA’s Signature Event! Join your neighbours for our 9th annual Community Stampede Breakfast on Saturday, July 8, 2017 from 8am – 11am.
Pancakes and sausages are served along with loads of fun for the whole family, including a kiddie corral, photo booth, live music, bouncy castles, mascots, children’s crafts and maybe even some impromptu line dancing!
This year’s event will be held in the parking lot of the North West Family Church (10307 Eamon Rd NW). Last year’s breakfast was attended by over 4,000 guests!
Compostable foodware will be provided to make the event 100% green. See you there in your best western gear. Yahoo!
Entertainment will be provided by the Aaron Pollock Band
Additional Sponsors:
Saturday June 17th 2017
Fourth Annual City of Calgary Neighbour Day
RRROCA would like to help you celebrate by providing five separate $100 grants to residents who are putting on Neighbour Day events!
The grants are first come, first serve, so register now by filling out the form HERE!
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Northwest Family Church’s Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt in partnership with RRROCA
Time: 10:00 AM
Where: At the greenspace North of Royal Oak School on Royal Birkdale Drive
Join the North West Family Church and RRROCA for a Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 15th at 10:00am at the greenspace, North of Royal Oak School on Royal Birkdale Drive.
Coffee and Hot chocolate provided by Tim Hortons.
Hope to see you there!
Saturday, February 25, 2017
RRROCA FREE Family Movie Afternoon
Time: 3:00-5:00pm (doors open at 2:30pm)
Where: Royal Oak Victory Church, 450 Royal Oak Dr NW
Please join us on Saturday, February 25th at 3:00pm for a FREE screening of “The Secret Life of Pets” at the Royal Oak Victory Church, brought to you by the Rocky Ridge Royal Oak Community Association (RRROCA). Doors open at 2:30pm and complimentary popcorn and drinks will be provided. Hope to see you there!
Wednesday September 28th 2016
Sunday September 18th 2016
RRROCA Community Clean Up in partnership with London Drugs
Time: 9am – 2pm
Where: London Drugs Parking Lot (500-8888 Country Hills Blvd NW)
RRROCA is pleased to once again partner with London Drugs and the City of Calgary to host our annual Community Cleanup. This event encourages community residents to responsibly recycle household items and helps divert waste from Calgary’s landfills. It is FREE of charge and open to all community residents. London Drugs will be rewarding customers who bring in items for recycling throughout the day. After dropping off their items, residents are invited to enjoy a FREE community BBQ put on by RRROCA and sponsored by London Drugs. BBQ starts at 11am.
Items being accepted / services being offered:

London Drugs will be accepting the following items for responsible recycling:
- Non food-related Styrofoam
- Plastic and cardboard packaging from our products
- Cell phones, PDA and rechargeable batteries
- Alkaline Batteries
- Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFL’s) and fluorescent light tubes up to 4-foot lengths
- Disposable cameras
- Ink jet cartridges
- Laser cartridges
- Metal film canisters
- Plastic bags
- Insurance plastic folders

Note: Large appliances are not accepted.
Kidseat Recyclers will be accepting used and expired car seats.
Note: There is a mandatory recycling levy of $10 per car seat. All fabric must be removed from the seat before drop-off.
The Salvation Army will be accepting the following items for donation:
- Clothing: men’s, women’s and children’s shoes and clothing
- Soft Goods: bedding, towels, area rugs, drapes, etc
- Household Items: housewares, pots and pans, dishes, cutlery, cooking utensils, knife sets, can openers, vegetable peelers, tupperware, small working appliances, etc
- Furniture: tables, chairs, desks, dressers, beds, sofas, side tables, etc
Saturday June 18, 2016
Neighbour Day
Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Where: @ the t-intersection of RS Gate & RS Circle
Do you live in Rockyspring? We want to meet you!
Come and join us for a Neighbour Day Party at the park! Bring along lawn chairs and come ready to meet others from Rockyspring.
We will have watermelon and freezies plus games and fun for the kids. We will also be accepting donations for the Bowness Boys and Girls Club as a way for our community to give back
Hope to see you there!
Saturday June 18th 2016
Neighbour Day Event – London Drugs
Time: 11am – 3pm
Where: London Drugs Parking Lot (500-8888 Country Hills Blvd NW)
RRROCA & London Drugs invite you celebrate Neighbour Day!
Celebrate Neighbour Day at London Drugs! Activities will include:
- Tattoos and balloon animals
- Pizza samples from Brooklyn Pizza
- Pet Planet, Planet Organic and Jamieson Vitamins on site
- Operation Family Identification
London Drugs Royal Oak will be offering free Operation Family Identification (OFIs) packages. Pioneered in Canada by London Drugs and supported by Block Parent, Crime Stoppers and the RCMP, Operation Family Identification packages are designed to give parents a permanent record of their child’s photo, fingerprints, weight and height, in a convenient, readily accessible kit that can be used in the event of an emergency.
Operation Family Identification is a community project sponsored by London Drugs with the participation of community volunteers and law enforcement officials, and is offered at no charge to parents.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Neighbour Day
Time: Up to you!
Where: Up to you!
Established in June 2015, Neighbour Day serves to recognize and celebrate the great community strength and cooperation exhibited during the flood in Calgary in 2013. It is an opportunity for neighbours to come together to celebrate our strong community spirit. Make Saturday, June 18 the day you get to know your neighbours! #yycNeighbourDay
Here are a few ideas on how you and your neighbours can celebrate Neighbour Day:
- Host a block party (be sure to secure your FREE block party permit by May 27)
- Have a neighbourhood picnic at a local park
- Host a neighbourhood potluck or front yard barbecue
- Host an afternoon tea in your backyard
- Parade of lawn parties
- Hold a street chalk drawing competition
- Grab a Litter Clean Up Kit, get together and tidy up your park or natural area
- Help your neighbour with their spring cleaning or gardening
- Make up your own way to celebrate community spirit in Calgary!
Click HERE to download The City of Calgary’s Neighbour Day Event Planning Kit.
May 27th – 29th 2016
RRROCA’s Annual Rocky Ridge Royal Oak Parade of Garage Sales
Time: Friday 3pm – 8pm, Saturday / Sunday 10am – 5pm
Where: Garages throughout Rocky Ridge and Royal Oak
Find trinkets and treasure without leaving the neighbourhood. Our annual Parade of Garage Sales will be held May 27-29, 2016. Hours on the Friday are 3 to 8pm, and 10am to 5pm on the Saturday and Sunday.
Courtesy of our sponsors, Realtor Zeena Taghvai, RE/MAX Real Estate Mountain View and the Bank of Montreal, Royal Oak Branch, participating garage sales will be marked with a special sign. Check back soon for the map of participating homes!
We hope to you see you out shopping the neighbourhood this weekend!
Parade of Garage Sales List 2016 | Royal Oak
Parade of Garage Sales List 2016 | Rocky Ridge
View a Google map showing Garage Sale Locations HERE
Did you register your home to participate in the Parade of Garage Sales?
Registrants can pick up Garage Sale Kits from 12pm to 6pm at BMO, Royal Oak Branch, on May 26, 2016.
Saturday May 28th 2016
ROVC’s Annual Family Fun Day and Sports Wrap Up in partnership with RRROCA
Time: 12pm – 3pm
Where: Royal Oak Victory Church (450 Royal Oak Dr NW)
Fun for all ages! Royal Oak Victory Church (ROVC), in partnership with RRROCA, once again hosts our annual Family Fun Day.
It is a carnival for all to enjoy with sno cones, hot dogs, popcorn, dunk tank, carnival, jump houses, crafts, mini golf, face painting, rides, games, and a petting zoo. A new addition this year – trampolines!
This event will take place on Saturday, May 28 between 12-3pm, rain or shine. Stop by as you make your way around the neighbourhood for the Parade of Garage Sales!
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Pace Car Launch
Time: 4pm
Where: Rocky Ridge Retirement Community – 10715 Rocky Ridge Boulevard
Ample parking at the HOA parking lot next door.
Saturday, May 7th, 2016
Laser Tag Day (sponsored by ATB)
Time: 10am – 3pm
Where: Parking Lot of Rocky Ridge ATB Financial, 3000-11595 Rockyvalley Drive NW
Through the month of May, ATB Financial raises money, with the help of our customers, for the Alberta Children’s Hospital. 100% of the money raised goes directly to the Alberta Children’s Hospital.
Come out and show your support. For only $5, you get a hot dog, pop and round at the giant bouncy laser tag course. Also enter draw items such as an opportunity to golf with Edmonton Oiler Forward Jordan Eberle at the Valley Ridge Golf Club this summer to read Also enter a draw to win prizes including golf for two at Valley Ridge Golf Club with NHLers Jordan Eberle and Thomas Hickey; a Flames Jersey and Picture; round of golf for two at Valley Ridge Golf Club; wine raffle; and, Big Teddy Bear. Tickets to enter the draw are $10 each.
Please direct any questions regarding this event to ATB Branch Manager, Justin Friesen, at Jfriesen@atb.com
or call: 403.813.8186
March 26th, 2016
Easter Egg Hunt