
I would like to thank Shawna Torres for her unwavering determination on her fact finding mission on the capital plan for the mid school and constant letter campaign. Jeff Walker, V.P. and Director of Schools, RRROCA for representing the community in the press (its an unnerving job). The Royal Oak School Council for bringing this issue to the table of the board and supporting our efforts. The numerous parents and families that came out to the rally and participated in mailing campaign. The Board of Directors of RRROCA for their planning, commitment and time. Our Calgary-West MLA Sandra Jansen for her commitment and drive for our community and of course Minister Jeff Johnson for making the “right decision”. We are very pleased you have delivered on your promises and appreciate all your efforts.

This is a great example of what happens when a community joins together towards a common cause. I encourage this spirit of community to continue in all aspects of our events coming forward this year. Our LRT will be opening next year, our new Rec Centre in 2017 and many of the businesses under construction will open this summer. We hope to have the Kaiser Well issue resolved in the near future.

We have many events this summer; Garage Sales, Community Clean-Up, Stampede Breakfast, Movie in the Park, Skate Park, Park & Play and music in the park. Let’s take advantage of these great events, have fun with our kids and meet new neighbours in our community.


Ward Sutherland
President, RRROCA