pet-01-janThe 1st prize winner is……


Here’s his submission:

Hi my name is Easton.  I am a Boston Terrier. I was born in Cloverdale, BC (or “Smallville” as my parents like to say, because the TV show was filmed there) and was adopted at 9 weeks of age by my wonderful parents.  My parents tell me that though I had six other brothers and sisters, I am pretty unique because I have a very cute long crooked tail (kind of like a lightning bolt) and a spunky attitude to match. When my parents were first together they were living apart between Vancouver and Calgary so I got to travel with my mommy a lot on WestJet where they let me sit in the cabin with her. I was a WestJet VIP and a very good traveler from a very young age.  Since my mommy moved to Calgary I don’t travel on a plane as often as I used to but I still get to go with my family almost everywhere they go.

This makes me very happy and I even pack my own ducky in my parents’ suit case to show them that I am packed and ready to go. Other than travel adventures, going for a walk and scouring for food, I most like taking a nap, especially when I can wedge myself between my parents for extra warm or find one of daddy’s shirts to lie on. My parents say they love me very much and that I’m a very “good boy” because I make them laugh every single day (especially when I chase my tail or snore very loud), I help them clean the kitchen floor (yup with my tongue! That part is awesome.) and I’m always nice to my baby sister even when she grabs me (Sometimes I give her a kiss.

She tastes yummy!). I am also very friendly and eager to make new friends so if you see me around the neighbourhood with my mom or dad come say “hi”!

CONGRATS Easton!!  Go get pampered!!

pet-02-janThe 2nd prize winner is…….


Here’s her submission:

We adopted Miko in February from The Calgary Humane Society. She was extremely shy and fearful. There was a long list of people who wanted her and I didn’t think we’d get her. A month went by and I thought another family had gotten her. Then I received a call and they asked if we were

still interested in Miko. Of course we were! We met this shy little girl and fell in love.

Miko loves her walks, belly rubs and people and other dogs. She’s been enjoying her obedience classes at Cochrane Humane and is going to give

agility classes a try in January.

CONGRATS your Royal highnesses!