RE: Oil Well Application #1695605, Licence #0441737

Dear Residents;

We would like to thank the 500 plus residents who participated in the oil well information “ Open House”  February 11, 2012.

Although the application has been approved by the ERCB, we have applied for a review of the process with the ERCB board and looking at all possible avenues to have the surface rights application denied.  We are waiting for a reply if our hearing request is granted by the ERCB board.

We have taken the following actions:

  • Submitted the initial review variance request for a hearing with the ERCB board to review the current application.
  • Submitted an additional letter outlining new findings from the open house to the ERCB board.
  • Contacted and continue dialogue with the City of Calgary, Alderman Hodges and Lowe.
  • Contacted and requested our MLA Lindsay Blackett to present our objections to the Minister of Energy.
  • Submitted our concerns regarding Directive 056 and the 100 meter radius rule.
  • Submitted our request for the ERCB to implement an Urban policy.
  • Conducted a survey of our residents and communicated the results to all parties concerned.

Actions to be implemented:

  • We are forming a sub-committee to specifically address all components of the oil well.  We are asking for volunteers to contact us by the following address: We are specifically looking for geologist, engineers and safety profession in the industry.  Additionally for door to door people.
  • We are asking everyone to express their concerns to the ERCB at and the Energy Minster Ted Morton at
  • After the committee is formed, further actions will be communicated through the website.