Oil Well Update, May 2012

We have received a reply from the ERCB pertaining to our legal submission.  The legal submission was based upon documentation that demonstrated bias on behalf of the ERCB employee and was outside the ERCB mandate.  The ERCB ruled, that this documentation and conduct was not part of the actual application therefore, they do not consider this material in terms of influencing the board’s decision of approving the Kaiser application.

We are disappointed with the ERCB board’s decision and still support the submission had merit.  The likelihood of the the ERCB making a decision against themselves is minimal and this only supports the necessity of having an advocate.  On the second half of the submission, The ERCB forwarded new issues to Kaiser for reply by May 24th, 2012.  We then have an opportunity to reply back by June 07th, 2012.

Our newly elected Calgary North-West MLA Sandra Jansen has committed to introducing a Private Member bill to create an Urban drilling policy.  Additionally, Ken Hughes is now replacing Ted Morton as the new Energy Minister.

We encourage everyone opposing the oil well to write Minister Ken Hughes asking him to review the entire process of the Kaiser oil well, revoke the licence and implement an Urban drilling policy.  Ken Hughes email:  minister.energy@gov.ab.ca Calgary.west@assembly.ab.ca If you have friends or family who live in Ken Hughes riding (Citadel, Arbour Lake, Hamptons etc.), please encourage them to email Ken Hughes also.
