Kaiser Exploration Ltd. (Kaiser) is currently working with the Energy Resources Conservation Board(ERCB), City of Calgary, Alberta Infrastructure, neighbors and other stakeholders towards the drilling of a sweet oil well at 1-28-25-2W5. This location would be north of (behind) the Walmart Store, west of 85th street and just south the entrance to the University of Calgary’s Spyhill Campus.

The planned operation is for a vertical well licensed to a depth of 2430 m and targeting sweet oil in the Viking and Cardiumintervals. Drilling is planned for the second quarter of 2012.Kaiser is the Canadian operating company of Kaiser Francis Oil Company (KFOCC) out of Tulsa,Oklahoma.

KFOCC is one of the largest independent oil and gas companies in the United States and has been in operation since the 1930’s. Kaiser has been operating in Canada since 1991.

Here is some contact information for the proposed Sweet Oil well. We are trying to get as much accruate information on this project as possible and will post as we get it. Info has been in the journal however it is always a month behind so keep an eye here and on our webiste.

The ERCB website is: www.ercb.ca
ERCB Contact is Mirtyll Alboiu. Mirtyll’s email is Mirtyll.Alboiu@ercb.ca
Kaiser Exploration’s contact is Michelle VanRijn MichelleV@kfoc.net
General Manager Ned Beattie. His email address is Nedb@kfoc.net

NEW Information is available. Due to larger file size we are unable to post it on the website. Please email to communications@rrroca.org to get a copy.

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