
Its a good question, isn’t the status quo the easier path? In our board meetings, we have spent many hours over the past year on the question; “How do we make a difference”? How do we get our community residents involved to make a difference? Our lives are busy, it maybe family, heavy work loads, sports, etc. that fills our daily life. I am just too busy to get involved, I just do not have the time, besides how can I make a difference? I recently came across an interesting quote by Edward Hale :
“ I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.”
Your contribution is never too small, if you cannot volunteer, then take a few minutes, go to our community website www.rrrroca.org and purchase a yearly membership. Our entire funding is solely from membership fees. Currently, only 7% of our residents have a membership, the normal percentage in other communities is 10-15%. Your membership contribution goes towards many positive activities in your community. The better the membership enrolment, the more activities for all different ages.

We encourage you to make a difference in your community. Join us in making a difference!

Best Wishes
Ward Sutherland
President, RRROCA