Royal Oak Square

Version 3 of Royal Oak Square has been completed, below is the architectural view of the plaza. Currently we don’t have a timeline for completion. Ward Sutherland Planning & Development

Oil Well Rally

Herald Article: Tories Crafting policy for Urban oil well drilling, June 26th Clarification on the Calgary Herald’s latest article: Residents, During the interview for this article, a discussion regarding important framework for a potential Urban drilling policy, such...

Oil Well Rally and Updates

Rocky Ridge and Royal Oak Residents, Oil Well Update, June 21,2012 Energy Minister Ken Hughes came out to Royal Oak and toured the Kaiser well site and the surrounding area.  We discussed the process the community has been through the last 7 months and the serious...

Anti Oil Well Rally

Rocky Ridge and Royal Oak Residents, RRROCA will be hosting an anti Oil Well Rally against the Kaiser oil well going ahead and the promotion of an Urban drilling policy being implemented by the Provincial Government. This situation with the Kaiser oil well is not just...

Oil Well Update

Oil Well Update, May 2012 We have received a reply from the ERCB pertaining to our legal submission.  The legal submission was based upon documentation that demonstrated bias on behalf of the ERCB employee and was outside the ERCB mandate.  The ERCB ruled, that this...