A needs assessment for a community association is a survey done to determine what services should be provided to the community. This was last done about 3 years ago and the two needs that were about equally suggested were that of hockey rink and a community hall. After much deliberation and comparison of benefits and costs of each of these over the last few years it has been determined that

a) The initial cost of building a community hall is much more than the casino funds have brought in over the last 4 years;
b) The cost of maintaining a building for the next 30-50 years is much more than the voluntary membership income RRROCA could expect in future years;
c) The process to get approval from the city is very arduous and involves having a large reserve fund before the process begins and allocated strictly future major repairs to the building.

It is regretfully unfeasible to have a community hall without some major fundraising and some form of guaranteed income for the community association e.g. a lien on every home, guaranteed annual donations etc. As a result the RRROCA board is concentrating efforts on building a hockey rink with free skate area and parking area.
The needs assessment that must be done before applying to the City of Calgary for the Licence of Occupation (LOC) must be more recent and designed to re-affirm the desire of the community to have a hockey rink. The survey questions include a few about a community building, in the event that the community still has a strong interest and there are some ideas of how the current and future funding can be guaranteed.
Please Click Here for the survey. As with any survey the more responses RRROCA receives the more certain will be the outcome, so please take a few minutes to fill out the survey.