1. London Drugs is sponsoring Green Calgary’s “Green Event” services to RRROCA’s Stampede Breakfast.
  2. Greening an event of this size is a journey. In this first year, we do not expect this year will be a low or zero-waste event (For example Green Calgary worked with the Folk Festival over several years to achieve a greener festival.
    The first year, Green Calgary mainly provided waste audit services to see exactly how much waste was generated and its composition so organizers know what aspects of their waste stream could be recycled, composted, or even eliminated. An example of eliminating one category of waste is that the Folk Festival no longer allows the sale of bottled water, but provides water stations where people can refill their reusable water bottles)
  3. This year is a base line year and will mostly be about measuring the waste, seeing where waste can be reduced, and educating RRROCA volunteers about how future events can be greener.
  4. Green Calgary will be doing a waste audit so we know exactly how much waste was produced, and the composition of that waste. From this, we will provide RRROCA with recommendations they can implement next year and the years to follow.
  5. While we have invited people to bring their own plates and cutlery and are providing wash stations for these, we know not everyone will remember. Not everyone will have heard about this invitation. Thus, we will be providing disposable plates and cutlery. Green Calgary knows from experience that achieving a low or zero-waste event is something that takes time.
  6. We commend RRROCA on taking this step. It is an active community association that has done a lot for is constituents and we hope other community associations will follow its example and look at greening events in their neighbourhoods.

RRROCA, Board of Directors