pet-01-decThe 1st prize winner is……


Here’s his submission:

Although he has a very long and fancy name, he prefers just to be called Toby. He came from Saskatchewan at the end of July and likes living in Royal Oak. He is happy and excited to join the local dog patrol and keep the streets safe for everyone. It is a job that a dog takes seriously and he thinks he is fortunate to find such employment here in the city.  He takes a particular interest in the bike path which leads out to the pedestrian bridge over Stony Trail, although there are other streets that he looks after as well.  He likes Calgary and city life and intends to stay here for a very long time.

Toby loves children and wants to play with all of them.  He is hoping that if you meet him out on his walks, that you will stop and say hello.  He is trying very hard to remember his manners and will sit and hold out a paw when he wants you to pet him. Toby’s partner, Mango, is a little calico cat.  She supervises his backyard activities from the window and waits patiently by the door for him to return from his walks She insists on a daily report.  Although Toby is a dog, and Mango is a cat, they are the best of friends who play and sleep together.

CONGRATS Toby!!  Go get pampered!!

The 2nd prize winner is…….


Here’s the submission:

Hi, my name is Luna, and I’m an adopted Bearded Dragon. I have pretty eyelashes but a couple missing toes. I was rescued from an owner that surrendered me because she was down on her luck and couldn’t care for me anymore. Thankfully everything worked out because I am very happy to be where I am now!

My foster home is a condo in Royal Oak where the air is dry as a desert – perfect for a beardy lady like myself. In the mornings I like to sleep-in, just like my owners, and usually wake up when the sun rises with a distinctive *click* at 9:32am. First I open one eye, then the other. I like to take my time in the mornings because, well, you can’t rush beauty.

Breakfast for me is served on an upside-down yoghurt lid. I like salads made of bok-choi, lettuce and berries. I go crazy for raspberries and blueberries, but they make my lips all red and blue! However, dinner is totally my favorite meal because I get to eat crickets straight from the container. It’s like an all-you-can-eat cricket buffet!  After dinner I like to bask in my hammock or on my special rock that my owners got me from Drumheller. This helps me digest and is also a great time to think about life in general. From my rock I can sometimes see my other beardy friend, Puako, across the room.

He is pretty cute and I like to wave at him.  Before bedtime I like to play with my owners, either “chilling” with them on the couch or chasing their toes in the kitchen – either is fun! When the sun finally *clicks* off at 9:32pm I am ready for bed. My eyes get heavy and I crawl into my clay tunnel, grateful for each and every day.

CONGRATS your Royal highnesses!