Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash


To provide events and activities that make our community great, we require over 150 volunteers to ensure these events are a success. Do you have an hour or two to spare? Do you have skills or experience to share?

Please send an email to for more information on, and to apply for, the following Board and Committee positions. If you are interested in becoming an ice rink volunteer, please email

You can also sign up to volunteer as your renew your membership for the year.

We are currently looking for the following positions:


Board Members are needed to keep our community going. We meet once per month, and Directors oversee their portfolio. Time commitment is approximately 10-15 hours per month. We are now looking for volunteers to join the Board in the following positions:

Programs Chair (or co-chairs)

The Programs Chair / co-chairs provide the opportunity for community residents to participate in sports programs and activities. The chair/co-chairs will develop, implement and evaluate programs and activities in the community, coordinate and oversee the annual spring youth sports program (i.e. soccer, tball), and look for opportunities to expand programming (learn to skate, basketball, field hockey, etc). Planning for 2022 spring sports needs to begin immediately, if you believe you can assist, please reach out ASAP. Time Commitment: Minimum 10 hours/month, will vary based on scheduled programming Note: The chair role could be split between 2 individuals.

Sponsorship Chair

This role works to help establish connections and fosters relationships with businesses and organizations in the community. By developing sponsorship opportunities that support Community Association events, programming and initiatives, and searching out partners in the community to fund or support these, the Sponsorship Chair is integral in providing services to residents, and connecting businesses to residents. Time commitment: minimum 10 hours/month

Membership Chair

The Membership Chair promotes, encourages and sees to administration tasks associated with managing the members of the Community Association. The Chair also explores and works with other committees to implement opportunities of benefits for membership. Time commitment: Approx 10 hours a month

Safety & Security Chair

The Safety & Security Chair educates and liaises with the community to reduce crime, promote awareness of safety-oriented initiatives, helps to identify needs of the community and work to solve or educate residents in order to encourage behaviours to ensure safety and security. Time commitment: 8-10 hours a month


 Events Lead

With direction from the Events Chair, an Event Lead helps to execute specific events, from the planning stage to the wrap up. Time commitment: 3 - 7 hrs/month

 Communications Lead

Implements and maintains internal communications tools within RRROCA, and also assists with external communications as directed by the Communications Chair and/or President. Time commitment: 5 hours/month

Babysitting Registry Lead

The role of this individual is to coordinate RRROCA’s babysitting registry, a service available for the members of RRROCA. The coordinator will respond to email inquiries, send out monthly updates and prepare updates for the newsletter, and/or website as needed. Time commitment: 1-2 hours a month

Parks Lead

The purpose of the Community Park Lead is to oversee making of ice and maintenance of the ice rink, and coordinate volunteers for the upkeep of the community park. Time commitment: Approximately 10-15 hrs/month during late fall/winter, and considerably less during spring and summer.


There is no event volunteer opportunity at this time.

General Volunteers

we are always in need for volunteers, sign up today.

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