Stop – Think – React – Share
Community safety is important. Family safety is important. Personal safety is important. RRROCA is currently working on a FOCUS ON SAFETY initiative for our communities.
FOCUS ON SAFETYincludes items such as providing safety tips, increasing safety awareness, working with our Calgary Police Community Liaison Officer, looking at resources and tools available and how we can incorporate them in our communities. School has recently started up for the year; let’s work together to make sure our kids are safe.
- What would you like to see happen in our communities re: safety awareness?
- What’s working? What’s not?
- What have you seen in other communities that you would like to see in yours?
If you have any ideas, suggestions, concerns to share, OR if you’d like to help with this initiative, please send an email to safety@rrroca.org.
NOTE: This email address is NOT to be used to report urgent safety concerns. These should be reported via appropriate channels (police, city of Calgary, etc).
Thanks – RRROCA Community Safety Coordinator
Crime Statistics
Report Crime Online: Taken from the Calgary Police Services Calgary Police Services Crime statistics. City Wide Overview. The Calgary Police is providing a new system for reporting crimes on-line. Using the CPS Citizen On-line Police Report System allows you to submit a report immediately and print a copy of the police report for free. Using this quick and easy on-line reporting system also helps you by providing reports for your records and helps the police identify and address crime trends in your neighborhood. Please visit the CPS Citizen On-line Police Report System page to see if the system is right for you.
Contact your CLO
Rocky Ridge Royal Oak Community Liaison Officer
To contact the community liaison officer in your area, visit or call your local district office. District phone numbers can be found on the Calgary Police Service Website
Constable Roy Moe #2231
Dist 7 – Country Hills
11955 Country Village Link NE
Tel: (403).428.6700
Safety Notes
Police and Community Awareness Program
The Hub will alert citizens to important situations such as criminal activity or requests for public assistance in cases such as missing persons. It will also be used for proactive community information such as crime prevention advice, and promotion of community events.
To sign up, visit www.calgarypolice.ca
How your community liaison officers can help
Community liaison officers, or CLOs, are the Service’s ambassadors to businesses, residents and schools throughout the city. They focus on identifying and resolving issues of concern to everyone, such as vehicles speeding on certain streets, houses that may be a target for illegal activity, potential frauds aimed at businesses and parks that are being used as overnight gathering places.
One successful initiative is the Graffiti Awareness and Abatement Program, which involves the community, city bylaw services and police. It works to increase public awareness of graffiti and encourage Calgarians to record, report and remove graffiti.
The CLOs provide a key point of contact for community policing initiatives and problem-solving. They monitor crime trends, traffic concerns and social issues within their zone. They also keep track of the crime issues that are of particular concern to residents.
How you can help
If you have a security or safety concern in your community, contact your local CLO. They’ll talk with you and other community members about solutions for crime that may already be happening and about proactive measures that you can take to prevent further crime.
The CLOs can put you in touch with other city agencies, all of which can work together to come up with practical, effective solutions. Community involvement is an essential part of making our city the best it can be – your CLOs can help, and so can you!
Did you know?
- The amount for reporting collisions to police has gone up from $1,000 to $2,000 combined damage to both vehicles. Go to a district office because the police will not always attend.
- If you are involved in a collision and the vehicles movable, get them off the road to a safe place and you must exchange driver information, it is the law.
- If you come into contact with an unattended vehicle, you must leave a note with your driver information on it and what happened, it is considered a hit and run if you do not.|
- You can not pass another moving vehicle in a school or playground zone, it is a $172 fine if you do.
- Speeding can be 1 kilometer over the limit, it is the law.
- You must stop for a yellow light, it is a $115 fine if you don’t.
- You must slow to 60 KPH or slower if posted when passing emergency vehicles or tow trucks, if you do not have a complete clear lane between you the emergency vehicles / tow truck, the speeding fine is double.
- It is illegal to have an obscured license plate whether it is covered by dirt, snow or in any other way. It must be legible and visible directly from behind
- Bicycles share the road and are allowed the same courtesies as other vehicles however, they must obey the rules of the road and ride to nearest the curb, it is the law.
- If someone is displaying the obvious signs of road rage, do not get out of your vehicle to confront them, get a license plate and call the police.
- Always try to be courteous to other drivers; a wave of thank you goes a long way. Remember, your not the only one using the road and being nice to others goes along way.
- When you are coming to a merge, move over and create a gap, or slow down, if you are merging off the road to allow others to speed up and get on the roadway, this causes less congestion and allows for a smoother merge.
- If you see a vehicle weaving on the road, not signaling, cutting off other vehicles, it might be an impaired driver, please call 911 so the police can get there and deal with the situation.