Home Owners
There is often confusion around the differences between a community association and a homeowners association. As your community association we are a voluntary membership based organization that represents the concerns of both Rocky Ridge and Royal Oak with various levels of government regarding community issues, hosts a number of community events and coordinates community sports.
While this is just the tip of the iceberg with the types of services we offer our members and residents in our communities we hope it gives you a sense of what we do. There are also a number of homeowners associations in our community which residents are required to pay into to maintain amenities and infrastructure. Here are the major Homeowners and Residents associations in our community.
Rocky Ridge Ranch
Website: www.rrrha.ca
Properties Map: rrrha.ca/index.php?src=gendocs&ref=Landscape%20Properties&category=Main
The Cascades in Royal Oak Resident Association
Website: www.cascadesroyaloak.camp7.org
Properties Map: cascadesroyaloak.camp7.org/community-locations
Royal Oak Estates Homeowners Association
Website: www.roeha.ca
Properties Map: roeha.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Map2.pdf
The Lakes at Rocky Ridge (i.e. The Lake Club)
Website: www.thelakesatrockyridge.com
Properties List: thelakesatrockyridge.com/copy-of-about