Royal Vista Business Park
Land Use Changes proposed for vacant lands
The City of Calgary has circulated an application to diversify the uses allowed on land owned by the City and developers who have been involved on the development.
The reason for the changes is that the business park was created over 10 years ago and there is no demand now for the type of development that was originally envisioned, such as ground floor stores with office space over, light industrial free-standing buildings, auto service, and other small business.
There also 2 schools, day cares and private sports clubs. The way the planning change works is that the list of “Permitted” uses has been added and increased to allow for uses in existing buildings, such as:
- Artist Studio;
- Health Care Service;
- Instructional Facility;
- Post-secondary Learning Institution;
- Retail and Consumer Service;
- School – Private;
- Self Storage Facility;
- Service Organization;
- Social Organization;
- Specialty Food Store;
- Take Out Food Service;
- Veterinary Clinic.
Also, a list of “discretionary’ uses has been added, such as:
- Billiard Parlour;
- Brewery, Winery a
- Catering Service – Major;
- Child Care Service;
- Counseling Centre;
- Drinking Establishment
- Drive Thru;
- Kennel;
- Liquor Store
- Pet Care Service;
- Place of Worship
- Restaurant: Food Service Only; and
- Restaurant: Licensed
- Library
- Fitness centre
A parcel of land north of 112th Ave. has auto sales – minor, as a permitted use, and added discretionary uses such as casino, bingo, nightclub.
This application for land use changes does not mean that any of these land uses would be allowed in a development permit application. Any development permit submission to the City would be evaluated on its merits and the community association would review and comment on the application on behalf of the Rocky Ridge Royal Oak residents and businesses.
The Proposed Land Use Change sign illustrates the properties affected.
A public hearing at City Council is scheduled for March 29.
For more info: https://www.calgary.ca/pda/pd/my-development/development-permit-application-search.html?redirect=/development
Reference number: LOC2021-0170
Any questions can be directed to RRROCA at planning@rrroca.org .