Community Avid Readers
Let me start by saying how much I loved all the entries for the Avid Reader’s program. The kids ranged in age from 5 up to 17. I love that we have such a great bunch of readers in our community.
We have two winners to announce! Lexi, age 11 who was reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Fantastic choice Lexi!
Our second winner is – Chloe, age 9 and her favourite book for the month was Beezus and Romona. Another great book to read Chloe!
Each winner is receiving a $10 gift card to Chapters.
We will start the Avid Reader program again after the summer but want you to keep up that summer reading. Here are some other great books our community kids were reading and you can check out for summer.

Happy reading and enjoy the summer!
RRROCA Schools Liaison
Krista DeCarle