President’s Message
Feb 2022
Happy Groundhog Day!
With days getting longer and temperatures slowly starting to rise, now is a great time to get outside to break up the winter blues and enjoy the season in Calgary.
RRROCA is planning to host a winter festival before the end of March, thanks in part to the Warm Up to Winter Grant program from the City of Calgary. Keep an eye on our social media channels for more information. If you are interested in helping please contact events@rrroca.org or volunteers@rrroca.org
Registration for the spring sports program recently opened for the U4-U12 soccer. For 2022, RRROCA will again be working with SoccerTech to provide this program for the community. You can find more information on the program on the RRROCA website with a link to the registration portal on the SoccerTech website.
RRROCA is interested to hear from you about other potential programs you would like to see offered in the community. Please send your ideas to programs@rrroca.org
We have heard from AGLC that our next casino date will likely be in the fall of 2022. If you are interested in volunteering to support this event, please contact volunteers@rrroca.org and we will let you know once when we have exact dates.
Whichever groundhog you believe, there appears to be lots of winter left with both ice surfaces at the RRROCA Park in full operation. We hope to see you at the Park!
Jason Kellock
President, Rocky Ridge Royal Oak Community Association